What Car Accident Injuries Have Delayed Symptoms?

You may have felt apprehensive and frightened after a recent motor vehicle accident. However, you might have walked away feeling unscathed. It’s not always a good thing to be injury-free. Delays in symptoms and pain are common after car accident injuries. Even if you are feeling fine after an accident, you should monitor your body for several weeks to check for any pain or other symptoms. This article will discuss a few delayed injury types. Do you have any other questions regarding treatment after a car crash? Or do you have other questions about treatment following a car accident?

Car Accident Injuries


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How Long After A Car Accident Can Injuries Appear?

It can take hours, even days or weeks for symptoms and injuries to appear after a car crash. The adrenaline and endorphins that our bodies produce during a traumatizing event, such as an auto accident, are the main cause of delayed injury symptoms.

The release of adrenaline can mask pain immediately after an accident. Everybody will react differently after a car crash, and it’s not clear why some people experience immediate symptoms, while others experience pain and delayed symptoms. It’s important to keep in mind that, even if your car accident was minor, you are not yet out of the woods.

In the weeks and days following an accident, you will need to monitor your health. Contact an accident doctor immediately if you experience any new symptoms or pain.

Here Are Some Common Injuries That May Appear Days After An Accident.

1. Whiplash

Whiplash, or neck injury, is caused by the rapid back and forth movement of your neck and head during an accident. This occurs most often in rear-end collisions. This motion causes your neck to be thrown out of alignment. Whiplash, the most common injury from an auto accident, may not manifest for several days or weeks. Whiplash is characterized by persistent neck pain or back pain. A concussion is a common injury that can cause blurred vision and dizziness. Whiplash can cause numbness or weakness in the arms and legs.

2. Concussion

Concussions can happen when the brain strikes inside your skull. A concussion does not require you to have hit your head on something. A sudden and forceful change of motion can cause your head to hit your brain. The severity of a concussion can cause a variety of symptoms.

The most common symptoms include:

– Headaches

– Dizziness

– Changes in sleep or appetite

– Light sensitivity

– Sound sensitivity

– Disorientation

– Mood swings

It is often difficult to diagnose concussions, especially when there are no obvious signs of injury. The condition can be deadly, so it is important to seek medical attention immediately. It is important that car accident victims seek medical attention, even if they believe their injuries to be minor.


Car Accident Injuries


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3. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Traumatic brain injuries can also occur in addition to concussions. Similar to concussions, a traumatic brain injury occurs when an abrupt trauma damages the brain.

A TBI can occur when the head is violently struck by an object or when an object penetrates into brain tissue. Untreated, they can have a serious impact on your quality of living and even cause death in severe cases.

4. Spine Injuries

A car accident may cause a spinal injury or back injury. Spinal injuries can also include a herniated disk, a sprain, or nerve damage to your back. Back pain can be caused by any of these injuries. It can be debilitating and frustrating. Spinal misalignment can also be caused by car accidents. This occurs when the vertebrae move out of position. Your vertebrae can press on the nerves around your spinal cord when they are out of position. This misplacement can cause a pinched nerve, numbness, or tingling. Consult your doctor before the pain gets worse to determine what treatments are best for you.

5. Internal Bleeding

Seat belts are designed by car manufacturers to save lives. It is important to always use them.

The force that is applied to it can cause internal injuries. Seatbelts can cause serious internal injuries to the kidneys, lungs, and heart, especially when they are used in high-impact accidents. A seat belt can cause a rib to crack or other tissue injuries.

Some signs of internal bleeding include:

– Abdominal pain

– Blood found in urine or stool

– Vomiting or coughing up blood

– Difficulty in breathing

– Bruising on your thorax

– Leg weakness

– Dizziness

6. Soft Tissue Injuries

Auto injuries include sprains, contusions, and strains. These injuries occur when soft tissues in your body are torn or stretched during an accident. The most common symptoms are pain, swelling, and tenderness. Deep bruising is also common. A reduced range of movement is another common symptom.

7. Depression, Anxiety, or PTSD

Even minor traumas like car accidents have a profound impact on your mental and emotional health. After a car accident, mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur. The symptoms of these disorders can appear weeks, months, or even years following the original trauma.

8. Blood Clots

Blood clots is another common car accident injuries. Blood clots are usually not dangerous because the body can deal with them. However, if the clots reach the heart and brain, then they may cause serious injury or death. Headaches can be a sign of a brain blood clot. These symptoms can sometimes be accompanied by other signs, such as a concussion. It can take several days for these symptoms to appear.

Car Accident Injuries


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Contact Florida Medical Pain Management

You are not out of danger just because you can walk away from an accident. There are several possible car accident injuries that may not manifest themselves for several days or hours after. Pay attention to the symptoms listed above and consult your doctor immediately if any appear. The Florida Medical Pain Management is on a mission to help accident victims find a Medical Doctor who can assist them after their crash. Florida Medical Pain Management will guide you through the whole process and allow you to concentrate on healing your injuries.

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Florida Medical Pain Management’s top priority is serving our patients’ needs and creating long-lasting relationships with them. Our treatments include:

We want to help patients live more fulfilling and productive lives by effectively managing their pain. Florida Medical Pain Management also provides home therapy and many more. Click here to see our other services.



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